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Just a short descriptive report on the month of February regarding the disabled golf.

I did one swing lesson with Morne Els and also did a 9 hole playing lesson to prepare him for the Interprovincial challenge that’s taking place early March 2019.

I happy to report that Morne has improved a lot in his consistency with his irons and also his driver.

I encouraged him to stay more behind his shots during the swing not forcing to come across or over the ball causing hooks or fade shape shots to his driver.

As far as the nine hole playing lesson goes I’m very impressed with the way he chip and putted and I can see he has been giving attention to this department.

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Morne Els During our 9 hole Playing Lesson.

With the Carpe Diem School we had the Privilege to attend the Di data at Fancourt on the First round. The kids enjoyed the environment and was really impressed with how far the guys can hit the ball. I also made them aware of how good their shortgame and putting is . They really could see the touch of the players around the green.


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Look at the good position Olotando Songqnegqe get the club in!! He hits it well
over 80 metres .

Talk Soon and thank you for the Unions Continued Support

Kind Regards

Carlo Kok

January was a short month and the schools only started the 9th so I did a playing lesson with Morne at Kingswood to assess his game and make notes what to improve on before the interprovincial challenge and Sa Open .

I’m glad to report give positive feedback since I last played with him he has improved his pitching and short game. We will be working on aim (he aims left of target and if it does not come back he is in trouble. Another shot will be he’s driving as he smothers the ball or doesn’t get any height on it.

With the Juniors Ive gone to Kingswood for an on course session  covering chipping and long putts controlling the distance and also the pace. The kids had to differentiate between a shorter putt and a longer putt.


Shortgame Session at the Kingswood : From right to left :, NThando Mrawuli ,Alexander Afrika, Ricadu De wet.


We had a game at the Glenwood mashie and also making the kids more aware of what shot is required to be played in certain situations.


At Glenwood Washie From left to Right : Dillion van Hanzen , Julian Janzen , Ntandu Mrawuli,Alexander Afrika.



Alexander Afrika : Focusing on his good shot following his ball at the Glenwood mashie


Carlo Kok did two on course sessions with the kids at Glenwood Short course and also Kingswood Golf estate.

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Julien Jansen Working on his Putting technique

We played on course at Glenwood and we did short game coaching with the kids at Kingswood where I focuses on both techniques for Short and long putting.  Chipping and Pitching was also worked on.

Then I did one swing lesson with Morne Els and main focus in this lesson was  squaring the club up at impact and also making the angle of attack less shallow.  ( He hits down very steep causing an outside in swinpath making him it a fade )

At school Carlo Kok had 3 sessions two with the B group and one with the A –group . They mainly did Full swing.

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Alexander Africa making sure his balls is well displayed and ready to be hit ….

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B group of Golfers.

From left: Elzane Gerdzen, Lucreatia Abrahams, Keanu Harmse,
Dante October, Sue Ellen Solomons, Alexander Africa and Sipho Counter.

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B Group hitting at the School field: From front Sipho Counter, Elzane Gertzen, Sue Ellen Solomons and Lucreatia Abrahams.

We will be doing an end of year Camp for the kids in Early December before the School close .

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Kfc Lunch on our way to Cape town from right …. Carlo kok (Coach) , Ruwaan Stroebel , Dillian van Hansen , Julian Jansen , John Lee de Boer , Jearome ( Carpe diem Driver ) At Mowbray King David Golf club , Morning of the Interschools . From Front left Jearome (Driver) Julian Jansen . Lily Reich (SADGA), Dillian Van Hansen ,John Lee De Boer , Ruwaan Stroebel , back Angela Nielson (Carpe Diem Teacher ) Carlo Kok (Coach )
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At Prize Giving at the Interschool’s :

From Left : Charles (SADGA Coach ) Raylin (SADGA Coach ) Dillian van Hansen ;Darren (SADGA Coach )  Julian Janzen; John Lee De boer ; Danna ( Canon main Sponsor ) Ruwaan Stroebel ; Carlo Kok ( Coach)

Iggy (SADGA Coach )


Signal Hill Outing with Table Mountain in the back  :

From left Dillian Van Hansen ; Jerome (Driver ) Ruwaan Stroebel ;Carlo Kok (coach ) Julian Janzen ; John Lee De boer

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 Julian Jansen having a chill moment before we leave for Home  Various People During the Warm up at King David& Mowbray  .
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At the AQUARIUM : from left  Carlo Kok ( coach )  Julian Hidding in the back ; Jerome ( Driver ) John Lee de Boer ; Dillian Van Hansen and Front Ruwaan Stroebel .  

The FSP members from the Southern Cape have been working hard over the past month to lay the foundation for a sound short-game.

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  • Carpe Diem School Group
  • Dillian Ricardu John Lee Rowan
  • Dillian Van Hansen Putting
  • FSP
  • FSP2
  • Julien Janzen and Dillian Hansen
  • Morne Els June
  • Morne Els

Under the guidance of FSP coach Carlo Kok, the kids were taught the fundamentals of chipping and pitching. A vital component of this is to teach the golfers how to gauge the distance of the shots they need to hit. To this end, a bucket was placed on the green into which the golfers had to fly their balls. This is a fantastic drill to help develop the golfers feel around the greens.

“I want the kids to get a good understanding that they don’t need a lot of power for the shots around the green as they want to hit the ball as hard and far as possible”, Kok says.

Chipping the ball well is only half the battle won though ── to get up and down successfully, one needs to hole putts. Kok thus spent time teaching the golfers how to setup correctly and stroke the ball well. As is the case with chipping, feel is of the utmost importance. The golfers were thus tasked with hitting lag putts which needed to finish within a block of 4 tees.

As always, one of the big focuses of the FSP coaching is to inject an aspect of fun into the practices. Kok therefore gave the children the chance to pit their putting skills against one another in a game of putt-putt.

“At the school we also made use of the putt putt course which the kids Love as I always make a little competition. It’s always nice to help the kids and give them information and speak to them about golf. Even if they are disabled they still love to compete and learn new skills through golf.”

Thank you to Carlo for giving his time to help develop the skills of our FSP members and to the Southern Cape Golf Union for their continued support of the FSP and the SADGA.

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